Weekly Syllabus

Week of Monday, February 23 through Friday, February 27

This week we will finish up the Winter trimester by concluding our study of the First World War. I will check on your term paper notes for the first time on Monday; you will DEFINITELY want to plan to keep working on the paper during the upcoming vacation.

Monday, February 23, 2015 (45 minutes)

Due: I will log onto NoodleTools to check your notes today.

Topic: You will have time in class to read, or to work on your papers. I will be available to conference. The following students MUST conference before 9pm tonight (class time might be a good opportunity for day students; I will be at school through study hall for boarders):

Bell 4:     
Bell 7:
Greg Guan
Matt Bean
Angela Mancini 
Barry Chen
Adrian Sung
George Vavlas
Dominic Wright 

Daniel Zhang

Homework: Read AP&AN pp. 632 (American Units in France)-636 (Mobilizing the Home Front). Make sure to read p. 635.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015 (50 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading.

: Read AP&AN pp. 640-644 (The Defeat of Peace).

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 (45 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading.

Homework:Read AP&AN pp. 644-649.

Thursday, February 26, 2015 (45 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading.


Friday, February 27, 2015 --NO SCHOOL TODAY

Topic: Enjoy your vacation

Homework: Work on the research paper