Weekly Syllabus

Week of Monday, April 13 through Friday, April 17

This is an important week for you. You will have LOTS of time to make progress on your term paper project. We are in the 10th week of the project now, and it is time to transition from research mode to writing mode. Remember that your outline is due on Friday Monday. You must follow the format shown to you EXACTLY, and you must proofread thoroughly. Don't lose points for spelling, grammar or English usage errors!

Monday, April 13, 2015 (45 minutes)

Topic: Mrs. Lewis will explain everything you need to know about using turnitin.com to submit your papers.  If you miss this class, you MUST meet with me or a librarian on Tuesday. If time permits, you may have some time in class to work on your paper.

Homework: Read AP&AN pp. 745-754 (Life in the Military). Skip p. 746 and p. 750.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 (40 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading

: Read AP&AN pp.754-755 (Winning the War). Finish up last night's reading if necessary.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 (50 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading.

Homework: Work on your outlines.

Thursday, April 16, 2015 (45 minutes)

Topic: You will have the entire class to work on your outline.

: Work on your outline. 

Friday, April 17, 2015 (45 minutes)

Topic: You will have the entire class to work on your outline. You MUST turn in a printed version of the outline WITH YOUR NAME ON IT to the person supervising the class today me at the start of class on Monday.

: Finish up the outline.