I attended the 2017 National Association for College Admission Counseling conference in Boston in mid-September. This was the third straight year I’ve been able to attend, thanks to my day job with Method Test Prep, a leading ACT/SAT preparation company. I spoke to lots of people (old friends, customers, colleagues) and the consensus seems […]
Category: international students
Thoughts on the Reuters “Expose” About SAT Cheating-Part Two
This is the second part of two posts that take a look at Reuters’ recent expose of SAT test security, especially as it relates to international student admissions. You can find the first one here. ********************** One of my biggest problem with the articles was a constant (inaccurate) conflation between “the test prep industry” and […]
Thoughts on the Reuters “Expose” About SAT Cheating-Part One
If you’ve been a reader of this blog for awhile, you know that I was concerned with the topic of standardized tests even before I started work with Method Test Prep. It’s no secret that I have been critical of, among other things, the role of standardized testing in college admissions, the value of standardized […]
True or False, Pt. 1: International Student College Admissions
Welcome to the first installment of a new series on the blog! In “True or False” I will look at the assumptions, beliefs, opinions and myths surrounding a specific aspect of college admissions. I will use relevant data to evaluate whether or not these ideas are “True” or “False”–or somewhere on a continuum between the […]