Weekly SyllabusWeek of Monday,
February 16 through Friday, February 20 This is an
important week for
us. We will begin our study of the 20th
century (which will last for the rest
of the school year) and you will
turning in your preliminary thesis statement for your
termpaper. Remember that the
point of the paper is to PROVE
SOMETHING, and on Friday you will need to tell me what you plan to
prove. Please note that I fully expect your
thesis to change over the coming
weeks (perhaps only slightly, or perhaps
drastically), but
by Friday you need to have a
workable thesis
to begin with. Feel free
to conference with me, or
to play "the Thesis Game"
with Mrs. Lewis at the
library. Also,
remember that I will start looking at your
notes on NoodleTools a week from Monday.
You will have lots of time this week to
work on your paper. Please put the time to
productive use! Monday,
February 16, 2015 (45 minutes)