Weekly Syllabus

Week of Monday, February 2 through Friday, February 6

This week we will keep learning about the Reconstruction era, and you will have time to work to find a topic for the term paper project. Remember that we will have our test on Chapters 15 and 16 next THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. With that in mind, even though you will have very little reading homework this week, you might want to use the time to study for the test and to conference.

Monday, February 2, 2015 -NO SCHOOL TODAY-LONG WEEKEND



Tuesday, February 3, 2015 (40 minutes)(30 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading from pp. 436-438

: Keep working to find topics for your paper. Try for some additional specificity.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015 (40 minutes)

Topic: Unfortunately I need to go to a funeral today, so you will have a guest presentation by Mrs. Lewis on additional sources for the termpaper. Due to the funeral I will not be able to conference after school today.

Homework: Work on the worksheet Mrs. Lewis gave you in class.

Thursday, February 5, 2015 (50 minutes)

Topic: Discussion of the reading from pp. 438-443 (Politics and Reconstruction in the South).

: Complete the worksheet from Mrs. Lewis making very clear what your top three topics are.

Friday, February 6, 2015 (45 minutes)

Due: You will hand in your topic worksheet from Mrs. Lewis at the start of class today. I'll let you know by Monday what your research paper topic will be.

: Discussion of reading from pp. 443-448 (Retreat from Reconstruction).

Homework: Read in AP&AN pp. 448-455 (skip p. 451).